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As a child, I was fascinated by cameras, and their magical ability to freeze an image and keep it forever. I saw family pictures in photo albums and watched my parents photograph family events, and I wanted the privilege of deciding which images were worthy of being captured in a photo. I started taking my own pictures as soon as my family got our first digital camera. With no film to waste, I could experiment as much as I wanted with pictures of trees, flowers, and our pet hermit crabs.

Darkroom photography classes in high school began to show me that photography is an art. Photographs don’t just preserve images; they capture moments. I love taking portraits and pictures of people, because I think people are the most interesting and dynamic subjects. But I also enjoy capturing other subjects, especially outdoors. I’m not a professional by any means, but someday I’d like to be known as a portrait and event photographer. This blog is a showcase of my efforts to reach that goal.

Photographs are like poems without words. As a recent college graduate with a minor in digital photography, I want to continue developing as a photographer, and as an artist.

Dani Eberbach
